The story of the Ranieri family is deeply rooted in the agricultural traditions of the Alta Tuscia Viterbese, a fertile region nestled between Lake Bolsena and Umbria. Since 1948, they have been farming the volcanic soil around the village of Grotte di Castro, specializing in the cultivation and marketing of ancient varieties of legumes, cereals, and tubers.
Roberta and Giuseppe, along with their son Davide, represent the fourth generation and continue to enhance the work of local farmers, collaborating with a network of 45 agricultural entities. Their company emphasizes quality and sustainability, maintaining traditional cultivation methods, such as manual harvesting and selection, integrated with modern storage and packaging techniques.
The Ranieri family promotes sustainable and integrated agriculture through practices that enhance biodiversity and reduce environmental impact. Their policies also support the local economy, ensuring fair compensation for farmers and promoting the conservation of the region's gastronomic traditions. Their philosophy underscores sustainability not only environmentally but also economically and socially, contributing to the well-being of the community and the protection of the rich cultural heritage of Alta Tuscia.